Clientele Freshwater Aquariums

125 GALLON FRESHWATER AQUARIUMMixed cichlid aquarium with seiryu rock, dragon stone, and artificial plants  


Mixed cichlid aquarium with seiryu rock, dragon stone, and artificial plants


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200 gallon aquarium

Mixed freshwater cichlid aquarium with artificial decor 




135 gallon column freshwater aquarium

Mixed freshwater schooling community fish aquarium with artificial decor and driftwood



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100 gallon freshwater aquarium

Mixed freshwater community fish aquarium with artificial decor




55 Gallon freshwater aquarium

Freshwater aquarium with mixed artificial and Texas holey rock




76 gallon bowfront freshwater aquarium

Mixed freshwater community fish aquarium with natural and artificial decor



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20 gallon-long freshwater aquarium

Mixed freshwater community fish aquarium with artificial decor and live plants



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70 gallon-long freshwater aquarium

Mixed freshwater community fish aquarium with artificial decor and Texas holey rock




100 Gallon freshwater aquarium

Mixed cichlid aquarium with driftwood, natural rock, seashells, and artificial plants


46 gallon bowfront freshwater aquarium

Mixed freshwater community fish aquarium with artificial decor, red rainbow slate, driftwood, and mixed artificial and live plants

150 gallon Freshwater aquarium

Mixed cichlid aquarium with natural stone and artificial plants

90 gallon Freshwater aquarium

Semi-aggressive fish aquarium with artificial plants and decor

29 gallon Freshwater aquarium

Mixed community fish aquarium with artificial plants and themed decor

25 gallon Freshwater aquarium

Community fish aquarium with artificial plants and natural look decor

200 gallon aquarium

Mixed freshwater cichlid aquarium with natural driftwood, decor, and artificial plants

450 gallon aquarium

Mixed freshwater cichlid aquarium with artificial plants and natural stone

20 gallon aquarium

Mixed community aquarium with artificial decor and live plants


55 gallon aquarium

Mixed community fish aquarium with artificial saltwater themed decor